| 划词

1.Dr.Huang said:"Metaphorical and metonymic extensions point to the inadequacy of a feature checking account".

1.在真实文本中,有 " "、“稀饭”,用传[体][固体]不好解释。



downtake, downtand, downtank, down-the-hole, downthrow, downthrust, downtick, down-tilter, downtime, down-to-earth,


3G, 401(K), a,


Visual Metaphors

1.(metonymic chain and metaphtonymy, although metaphor too).

(链和, 虽然也是隐)。机翻

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Visual Metaphors

2.The pay-off (" Mobile banking replaces intracity trips" ) helps recognize these metonymic relationships.

回报(“移动银行取代了城内旅行” )有助于识别这些关系。机翻

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Visual Metaphors

3.Metonymic expansion is needed to understand the target (freezing temperature) by the source (?

需要来理解源 (?机翻

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Visual Metaphors

4.In Section 5 we address metonymic complexes and the possible combinations between metonymic expansion and reduction processes in visuals.

在第 5 节中, 我们讨论了复合物以及视觉中和还原过程之间可能组合。机翻

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Visual Metaphors

5.Moreover, we consider how Ruiz de Mendoza's distinction between metonymic expansion and metonymic reduction manifests itself in advertisements (Section 3).

此外,我们考虑了 Ruiz de Mendoza 对区分如何在广告中表现出来(第 3 节)。机翻

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Visual Metaphors

6.But since this ad is about mobile banking, a metonymic reduction is needed to get at the meaning of mobile banking.


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Visual Metaphors

7.She devotes special attention to two (of four) metonymic complexes of Ruiz de Mendoza's typology (2007): " double domain expansion" and " metonymic expansion plus reduction" .

她特别关注了 Ruiz de Mendoza 类型学(2007 年)两个(共四个)复合体:“双域”和“加还原” 。机翻

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Visual Metaphors

8." His sister heads the policy unit" is a metonymic sentence in the verbal realm in which " head" can ultimately stand for the action of " leading" because of its crucial instrumental role in such an action (see Diagram 19).

“His sister heads the policy unit”是动词领域一个句,其中“head”最终可以代表“leading”行动,因为它在这种行动中发挥着至关重要工具作用(见图 19)。机翻

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Visual Metaphors

9.Like her, we were not able to locate an instance of metonymic reduction in advertisements, but we did propose examples for the two other patterns in Ruiz de Mendoza's typology: " double domain reduction" and " domain reduction plus domain expansion" .

和她一样,我们无法在广告中找到实例,但我们确实为 Ruiz de Mendoza 类型学中另外两种模式提出了示例:“双域缩”和“域缩加域” 。机翻

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downward sloping, downwards, downwarping, downwash, downwave, downwelling, downwind, downy, downy mildew, downzone,


3G, 401(K), a,
  • 手机客户端二维码

