4.The diagnosis should be differentiated with benign lymphoepithelioma, metastasis or infiltrated poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma and malignant lymphoma.
6.The growth,infiltration and metastasis of oncoma depend on tumor angiogenesis.Vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF)is the most important irritant factor of angiogenesis.
7.In the patients with malignant neoplasms, exitsmce of chromosome aberration predicted highly malignant in terms of cither clinical metastasis or pathological grading.
8.The incidence of umbilicated indentation in astrocytoma, cerebral metastases and brain abscess was nearly the same, showing no value in qualitative diagnosis.
9.Conclusion Clinical stage, Lymphangial vascular invasion, histological grade, myometrium invasion are the main clinical pathology related with lymph node metastases from cervical cancer.
10.The prognosis of malignant mixed tumor is poor due to local recurrence and distant metastasis in half of these patients via hemtogenous and lymphogenous spread-ings.
11.In order to study the role of bone sialoprotein(BSP) in the metastasis of breast cancer cells to bones,a breast cancer cell line stably expressing BSP should be established.
12.Herein, we present an extremely rare case of rectal ameboma associated with amebic liver abscess, which can only be distinguished with great care from rectal cancer with liver metastasis.
4.Through a process called metastasis a malignant tumor's cells will eventually break off, travel throughout the body, and begin forming tumors in other regions.
8.Several prospective trials have demonstrated activity of first-line chemotherapy against NSCLC metastases, with RRs of 20- 50% for platinum-based regimens.
9.In addition to disease location, the chronology of metastasis emergence is also important, with synchronous lesions associated with poorer survival outcomes.
11.One relatively unique feature is that they metastasize through the cerebrospinal fluid in a process called drop metastasis where the tumor spreads to the base of the spine.
12.And then the scary idea hit my head was, could we as physicians and the National Cancer Institute be inadvertently responsible for creating metastasis?
13.Direct evidence comparing SRS with surgery for patients who do not need urgent decompression but have a small number of resectable metastases is limited.
15.Brain metastases Given the ability of the blood- -brain barrier to prevent drug penetration, the brain has traditionally been considered a sanctuary site for metastatic disease.
16.Following imaging studies, esophageal cancer is staged according to the TNM system, where T means tumor size and local extension, N stands for lymph node metastases and M stands for distant metastases.
18.We were studying the process of metastasis using mouse preclinical models, and we learned that a clotting factor released normally by platelets was a potent restrictive factor for T cell immunity against metastasis.
19.Tumor biopsies are done to figure out whether a growth is benign or malignant, and imaging with a CT or MRI scan can be done to look for evidence of metastasis.
20.If the cell growth has the potential to spread to and invade other tissues, called metastasis, it's known as a malignant tumor, and is also more commonly known as a cancer.