7.However, based on their findings, the researchers said the role of meditation in helping to prevent or treat mental and physical illness merited further research.
9.For all the pretence of due legal process and distaste at Ms Yingluck's nepotism, this was not an offence that merited the ousting of a prime minister.
10.My natural candidness suffered by receiving praise which I had merited against my own will, and I wished to confess to M. d'Asterac my guilty thoughts.
13.Without saying a disloyal word about Suellen, she could tell him she understood how badly her sister had treated him and what good treatment he merited from a woman who really appreciated him.
14.When she came to that part of the letter in which her family were mentioned, in terms of such mortifying, yet merited reproach, her sense of shame was severe.
15.In consequence the Duke's proposal was accepted without hesitation: Every precaution was taken to induce Lorenzo's seeing the Lady with those sentiments which She so well merited to excite.
16.The superintendent said aloud: " Pupil Pietro Precossi has merited the second medal this week, —merited it by his work at home, by his lessons, by his handwriting, by his conduct in every way" .
17.Such occurrences, which would bring upon the parties concerned in them merited and condign punishment in the Northern States, are frequent on the bayou, and pass without notice, and almost without comment.
18.At perusing these lines my transports exceeded all bounds; Neither did I set any to the expressions of gratitude which I heaped upon Theodore. In fact his address and attention merited my warmest praise.
19.The Friar now presented the fatal paper to the Prioress, informed her of the manner in which he had found it, and added, that it was her business to decide, what penance the delinquent merited.
20.To Dydushkin, Asia merited a Russian's attention only from a " cosmopolitan" point of view, as a continent that existed out there in the world and not because it was a sphere of vested Russian interests.