1.I was cramming large pieces of toast and cheese down my maw.
1.He felt the maw heavy and slippery in his hands and he slit it open.
2.Somebody's found the hog maw! What?
有人发现了的嘴巴! 什么?机翻
3.The creature’s jaws swung open, revealing a gaping maw with hundreds of teeth.
这个生物的下巴张, 露出张有数百颗牙齿的大嘴。机翻
4.It's a Pennsylvania Dutch specialty, hog maw.
这是宾夕法尼亚州荷兰特色菜, 嘴。机翻
5.BY NOW, I knew something about the maw.
现在, 我知道了些关于大嘴巴的事情。机翻
6.This one, maw Maw, can tell us what happened.
这是曾奶奶 咱就要从她这儿挖掘真相。
7." You better be glad your maw aint seen you" .
“你最好庆幸你的妈妈没有看到你” 。机翻
8." Graaaaaw… ." That huge maw of the Armored Razorback Wyrm bit down at Linley.
“呱aaa啊… … ”那头铠甲野龙的巨大嘴巴咬向了林利。机翻
9.Within its cold green eyes was a murderous aura, and low growls were constantly coming from its maw.
10.When she got back, Colin wanted to know all about Dickon's shaggy maw pony with its nuzzling velvet nose.
11.It pounced on the shovel, then picked it up in its slobbery maw and shook it violently from side to side.
扑向铲子, 然后用流着口水的嘴把捡起, 猛烈地左右摇晃。机翻
12.AIG, meanwhile, was like a bottomless maw, its only apparent function being to gobble up as much TARP money as possible.
与此同时,AIG 就像个无底的大口,明显的功能是尽可能多地吞噬 TARP 资金。机翻
13.We'd taken two young girls who hadn't chosen this life, and without thinking it through, we'd fed them into the maw.
14.Baleen whales feed by opening their gigantic maws, lunging forward in the water and engulfing gallons of seawater in their mouths.
15.In the skies above, those dozens of Emerald Dragons had also opened their maws and begun vomiting frozen arrows at Linley.
16.Ef hit aint Quentin er yo maw, hit's Luster en Benjy.
Ef hit 不是 Quentin er yo maw, hit's Luster en Benjy。机翻
17.The words for " mother" , there are two words you can use, you can say " maw" , maw, or " mither" , mither.
对于“mother” 这个词,你可以使用两个词, 你可以说“maw” ,maw,或者“mither”,mither。机翻
18." Grrrr… ." A terrifying sound rumbled out from the Green Tattooed Python's maw, and at the same time, it shot forward at high speed.
" 咕噜噜… … " 绿纹巨蟒的巨口中发出声令人胆寒的低吼,与此同时,迅猛地向前疾冲。机翻
19.An all-encompassing, blazing flame suddenly erupted from the Velocidragon's maw, covering the entire area of dozens of meters ahead of it in flame.
20." In the same room whar I put her maw to bed ev'y night of her life since she was big enough to sleep by herself" .
“在同个房间里, 我在她生命中的每个晚上都把她的肚皮放在床上, 因为她已经大到可以自己睡觉了” 。机翻