| 划词

1.The weatherproof, tamperproof cameras feature 540 lines of resolution, 0.5 lux sensitivity, and 12 VDC operation.

1.防雨,防篡改相机有540线, 0.5克司灵敏度,和12伏直流电作业。



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Vox 观点

1.Whereas in the room the light levels generally and only about 200 to 300 lux.

而房间里的灯光一般只有 200 到 300 勒克司。

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Vox 观点

2.The light from the sun has up to a 100,000 lux on a sunny day.

在阳光灿烂的日子里,太阳发出的光高达 10 万勒克斯。

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3.Great as he may be, he lacks the Fiat lux!

尽管他可能很棒, 但他缺少 Fiat lux!机翻

Huberman Lab

4.You can get a 900 lux drawing tablet.

您可以获得 900 勒克斯的绘图板。机翻

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5.[Interviewer] What's the most lux thing that you've ever worn?

- [采访者] 你穿过的最奢华的东西是什么?机翻


6.There is research that supports the idea that using a light that has a brightness of about 10,000 lux can be helpful.



7.And then when you're below 100 lux, then it's going to use the F 1.5 aperture to give you a much brighter image.

光源低于100勒克斯,它选择F 1.5光圈,助你拍出最佳相片。


8.He might have said, seek lux et veritas, light and truth, through adi alterum partem, pivoting to the other side. – that is, if Rabbi Hillel spoke Latin.


VOA Standard 2014年11月合集

9.You can monitor the run time, the efficacy, the lumen output or the power consumption, and then we do real time measurements on the lux levels on the street level.

你可以监视运行时长, 效能, 光强及电耗, 而后我们在街道上进行照明等级的实时测量。

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Vox 观点

10.If you're going to get 1000 lux at your eye, it honestly doesn't matter if it's a warm source or a cool source, that's too high and you're already saturating your circadian system.

你的眼睛接收到 1000 勒克斯的光线,老实说,不管它是暖光源还是冷光源,这都太高了,你的昼夜节律系统已经饱和了。

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11.I told Joseph, I said, " Joseph, I want a glam room that is just the most soft, girly, pink, lux glam room." It took us a very long time to find our pink.

我告诉约瑟夫, 我说:“约瑟夫, 我想要一个极致柔和、充满少女心、粉色奢华的化妆间。 ”我们花了很长时间才找到理想的粉色。机翻


12.The history there is a little murky but the earliest known reason that we have comes from the lux fauna a series of Roman laws put in place during a drought in 162 BC.

那里的历史有点模糊,但我们所知道的最早原因来自于公元前 162 年干旱期间实施的一系列罗马法律。机翻

Vox 观点

13.When we use our phones were staring directly into a light source and how much light falls onto a certain area like our eyes, usually measured in lux is dramatically impacted by our closeness to the device.


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