They see that Voltaire made big bucks, big francs, big livre writing.
In 1767, the farm of tobacco was let for twenty-two millions five hundred and forty-one thousand two hundred and seventy-eight livres a-year; that of salt for thirty-six millions four hundred and ninety-two thousand four hundred and four livres.
1767 年,烟草农场租金为每年 2254.1278 ;盐价格为三千六百四十九万二千四百零四。
The coinage, therefore, increases the value of a mark of standard gold bullion, by the difference between six hundred and seventy-one livres ten deniers and seven hundred and twenty livres, or by forty-eight livres nineteen sous and two deniers.
因此,铸币使标准金条马克价值增加了 671 10 旦和 720 之间差值,或 48 19 苏和 2 旦之间差额。