The results of biochemical analysis indicated that the difference of the activity of carboxylesterase and esterase isozymes in the larval midguts were the main mechanism of this selective toxicity.
Although early instar larvae were present in the host larval hemocoel, only one parasitoid survived to come out of host larva for pupation, killing the larva in the process.
So, larval source management is a method of controlling malaria that works by targeting those immature mosquito stages that are found in standing water.”
One of the leading researchers, Dr. Thomas Platts-Mills, went so far to use himself in an unofficial experiment, taking a hike through a nest of larval ticks.
They also mean, because larvae, too, receive royal jelly for the first few days after they hatch, that the nurses are inoculating their larval charges as well.
On the other hand, I think Sheldon might be the larval form of his species, and someday he'll spin a cocoon and emerge two months later with moth wings and an exoskeleton.