Blackface minstrelsy was this really… gross performance practice in which white musicians would black up their face and lampoon Black musical traditions for a white audience.
Bild, a German newspaper, lampooned Mario Draghi, the ecb's soon-to-retire president, as Count Draghila, lamenting the " horror" for prudent savers who are being sucked dry.
I remember the time, years ago, when a reporter from the New York Sun attended a demonstration meeting of my adult-education classes and lampooned me and my work.
It was that Lampoon with Chevy Chase — that's so much stuck in the psychology of the Americans, that you're just going to go 'round and 'round forever on a roundabout.
He had lampooned them in verses, he had beaten and cheated them; and yet now, when he was in so close a pinch, he thought there was at least one who might perhaps relent.