1.Oh yes, I know all about lacing.
2.That is the new name for auto lacing.
3.He was seen lacing it. By whom? I can't say.
有人看到他投毒。 谁? 我不能说。
4.A few minutes later, Riley was lacing up her skates in the empty, silent ice rink.
5.They found that out by lacing batches of cherry pollen with either table sugar or bitter quinine.
6.Still lacing the carpet, he added, perfectly audibly, " Nasty little brat of a blood traitor it is."
7.Auto lacing was born, but then Nike decided to start realizing how this could maybe become a reality.
8.He snatched up his wand from the bedside table and stood lacing his bedroom door, listening with all his might.
9." A pair of boot lacings, " returned Jo, guessing and defeating his purpose.
10.So hunters began lacing bison meat with poison so they could also collect wolf pelts.
11.She looked at Harry and he was lacing his thin fingers together in different shapes.
她看着哈利, 他正把瘦削手指交叉成不同形状。机翻
12.That name… " That Xaden Riorson, " she confirms, fear lacing her gaze.
那个名字… … “正是那个扎登·里尔森,”她确认道,眼中流露出恐惧。机翻
13.Luna laughs, leaning back and lacing his hands together behind his head.
14.Fire races along my skin at the feel of his fingers lacing with mine.
15.Trams come by about every 10 minutes, efficiently and economically lacing together many of the city's most important sights.
有轨电车大约每 10 分钟一班,高效、经济地将该市许多最重要景点连接在一起。机翻
16." What is it, Amir" ? Baba said, reclining on the sofa and lacing his hands behind his head.
" 那是什么,阿米尔" ?爸爸说,他斜靠在沙发上,双手放在脑后。
17.Alex reaches over and takes Henry's free hand into his own, lacing their fingers together on the console between them.
亚历克斯伸出手, 握住亨利空着那只手,将他们手指放在他们之间控制台上。机翻
18.Pulling them on again and lacing them to the very top, he proceeded on his way, more easy in his head than under his soles.
19." Going, " she answers, shoving her foot into her boot and lacing it quickly as I do the same with mine.
20.She tried to draw deep breaths but Mammy's lacings were too tight. If she should faint and they should find her here on the landing, what would they think?