1.To realize the inhabitable value of gardens means to gardenize the living environment,it is the only way to go back from the industria lized society to healthy living way.
8.Question two, would you rather, A, be the first person to discover an inhabitable planet, or B, be the inventor of a drug that cures a deadly disease?
9.Now, it doesn't look like we can even begin to identify this as a potential inhabitable place just yet because this planet has more acidity than you could handle.
10.How they will explain our love of plastic or the fact that within a geological eyeblink, we exploded out of Africa to colonize virtually every inhabitable space on earth.
11.Thus the steep geography, the high average altitude, and the resulting dispersion of population centers across the limited inhabitable valleys of the area are among several of the natural explanations.
12.And our science objectives are really focused on understanding the role that these kinds of asteroids played in making Earth an inhabitable planet, and possibly bringing the seeds for the origin of life.
13.While that debate rages on, activists are warning that if they're not stopped, the wildfires could turn parts of the Amazon into a dry savannah that's no longer inhabitable for a lot of wildlife.