8.In the 16 years since the HRA came into force, domestic courts have made 28 declarations of incompatibility, holding that British laws conflict with the European convention.
9." It looks as though there were complete incompatibility of temper between you. It's much better that you should have found it out before marriage" .
10.'I fear there is at present a general incompatibility between Louisa, and—and—and almost all the relations in which I have placed her, ' was her father's sorrowful reply.
11.'I gather from all this, Tom Gradgrind, ' said Bounderby, standing up with his hands in his pockets, 'that you are of opinion that there's what people call some incompatibility between Loo Bounderby and myself'.
12.But we humans do think about our animals, because sometimes animals receive blood transfusions too, and we want to make sure the blood we're giving a ferret or dog or parakeet doesn't cause a blood incompatibility reaction.
13.In the British climate there is no incompatibility between scientific insight and furnished lodgings: the incompatibility is chiefly between scientific ambition and a wife who objects to that kind of residence.