2.THE uncanny resemblance between Cormac McCarthy's recent novel, “The Road”, and Jim Crace's new book, “The Pesthouse”, does not mean Mr Crace is an imitator.
13.Perhaps that's why Giovanni Baglione, one of his imitators, got the plum job of painting the Resurrection in the new Jesuit church, and Caravaggio didn't.
也许这就是为什么他的模仿者之一 Giovanni Baglione,会得到为新天主教堂创作“耶稣的复活”这份好差使,而卡瓦拉乔却没有得到。
14.Another set of conventions defined a mythological-erotic mode, derived mainly from the Metamorphoses of Ovid but influenced also by his Italian imitators.
17.But since many of the White Castle imitators were housed in white buildings or featured castle architecture, like turrets, they appeared extremely similar.
19.A principal genre was the complaint, developed especially by the Italian Boccaccio and his English imitators, Lydgate and the authors of The Mirror for Magistrates.