Ove was a man of the same ilk.
Faced with numbers like that, what hope do the Vatican and its ilk really have?
Consequently, the feats of krakens or other monsters of that ilk must be relegated to the realm of fiction.
Now a swathe of foreign firms hopes to take on Mr Zhang and his ilk by entering China's asset-management industry.
" Three of mine own ilk, " said Old Flint. " And he blinds the girls he does not take" .
" 我家就有三个," 特说," 带不走女孩他就弄瞎。"
Instagram, TikTok, and their ilk have democratized fashion critique and influence.
Instagram、TikTok 类产品使时尚评论和影响力民主化。
As much as John C. Calhoun and those of his ilk are uncompromising.
约翰·C·卡尔霍恩 (John C. Calhoun) 和他类都是不妥协。
The questions are all of the same ilk: When can fans return to games? How should they respond if someone tests positive?
As noisy as Mr Portnoy and his ilk are, they have been almost drowned out by the tut-tutting of jowly investors.
But in China, it's really this marriage between hyper-charged local officials and intrepid entrepreneurs of all ilk that is at the heart of its model.
" They died, " said Rickard Karstark, yielding no inch of ground. " The Kingslayer cut them down. These two were of his ilk. Only blood can pay for blood" .
" 他们都死了," 瑞卡德·卡史塔克毫不动容," 弑君者下毒手。此二人与他族,死不足惜,血债只能血偿。"