The expectation of ignominious and public death is perhaps less horrible to a condemned criminal than the anticipation of what was coming after breakfast to Madame Grandet and Eugenie.
The shutdown that began Saturday was the third of Mr. Trump's 23 months in office and an ignominious end to a year that began much the same way, with a three-day government shutdown in January.
What a misfortune, indeed, should it come too soon, since his reviving consciousness would bring the recollection of the ignominious offence which he had beheld his nephew in the very act of committing!
In the autumn of 1922 a crisis developed over the British policing of the Dardanelles neutral zone near Gallipoli, the site of Churchill's ignominious defeat as First Lord of the Admiralty a few years earlier.
The shop-boys in the neighbourhood had long been in the habit of branding Noah in the public streets, with the ignominious epithets of 'leathers, ' 'charity, ' and the like; and Noah had bourne them without reply.
So often do the great projects of parents appear ignominious to their children. Mrs. Adams's conception of a glue factory as a fairy godmother of this family was an absurd old story which Alice had never taken seriously.