8.He also found diversion from the regimen in perfecting his horsemanship; his equestrian high-jump record would remain unbeaten at the Point for twenty-five years.
他还在完善他术中找到了对养生法转移;他术跳高记录将在 Point 保持 25 年不败。机翻
「American Heritage History of the Presidents」评价该例句:好评差评指正
9.They raise very few horses, and these full of mettle, which they keep only to exercise the young men in the art of horsemanship.
11.Richard and Sarah passed on to their children the respect for culture and education inherent in Virginia society; but on the frontier, horsemanship and skill with a musket often counted for more.
「American Heritage History of the Presidents」评价该例句:好评差评指正
The Water Margin
12.Upon hearing this order Lieutenant Zhou Jin took his spear, mounted, and went through a display of cavalry horsemanship and sword drill in front of the platform, and was applauded by the troops.
13.He delighted in the radiant good looks of his betrothed, in her health, her horsemanship, her grace and quickness at games, and the shy interest in books and ideas that she was beginning to develop under his guidance.