She does now and then hector a little.
You wear hector’s cloak.
The book is slightly technical, eminently readable, consistently shocking, occasionally hectoring and unapologetically polemical.
Probing questions can be effective without being hectoring.
A bigger worry than grumpy managers and hectoring conservatives is potential legal liability.
Health structure, health hector, health structure is very poor due to the different reasons.
Why should Iran or North Korea, for instance, listen to him hector them about their nuclear weapons programmes?
It may take a day to cut a hector forest, but to rebuild it, it takes about 20 years.
Finch, carter's going right into hector's shop.
Finch Carter走向Hector铺子里去了。
Finch, carter's called an e.s.u.Unit to hector's warehouse in queens.
Finch Carter让一队防暴警去 Hector皇仓库了。
If hector puts up a fight, it could be dangerous.
如果Hector反击 她可能有危险。
She first conjured them up as a child while enduring bullying at school and hectoring at home.
You messed up, taking that kid out, hector.
你搞砸了 杀了那孩子 Hector。
I figured hector's g.t.o.Had to pass through this intersection, but nothing, nada.
我觉得Hector那辆肌肉车 应该经过这个路口 但什么都没有。
So far, I've got nothing on hector.
到现在还没找到一点 有关Hector线索。
Gaby, we discussed this. We're staying with people we know Gaby for a few weeks until hector crosses the border and joins us.
我们已经说好了 我们会找个相熟待个几周等Hector过境和我们团聚。
So you were with hector all night.
One way or another, she will find where hector's hiding.
无论如何 她都会找到Hector藏身之所。
You ever hear the name hector alvarez come up or see him cruise the block in his g.t.o.?
你听过个叫Hector Alvarez人吗 看到过他开着肌肉车在街里晃吗?
I seen hector's g.t.o. Outside the lookie-loo.
我看见Hector肌肉车 停在Lookie-loo门口。
If I find hector, i'll give him your best.
如果我找到Hector 我得好好审。
I didn't see the car or hear nobody talk about hector, but I can ask around.
我没见过那车 也没听有人 谈起Hector 但我会去打听。