8.Tatiana Markovna fed her servants decently with cabbage soup and groats, on feast-days with rye and mutton; at Christmas geese and pigs were roasted.
9.When that husk removal is done, what's left is the oat's groat—which is its entire bran, endosperm and germ, the three components that constitute a whole grain.
10.Mully added his two groats. " My old grandmother always used to say, Summer friends will melt away like summer snows, but winter friends are friends forever" .
11.Take this groat (which is our last fourpence) and Simpkin, take a china pipkin; buy a penn'orth of bread, a penn'orth of milk and a penn'orth of sausages.
12.In order to make the same purchases, we must load ourselves with a greater quantity of them, and carry about a shilling in our pocket, where a groat would have done before.
13.Poor payment for the blood and bruises, Tyrion thought, but he kept that to himself as well. " We failed at that as well. No one threw coins" . Not a penny, not a groat.
14." Oh, every penny … but never a groat more, my lord. You'll get the meal you bargained for, but it won't be sauced with gratitude, and in the end it will not nourish you" .
15.It may be one of the hot list grains of recent times thanks to gluten free and grain advocating wellness trends, but buckwheat groats (" kasha " in Russian) have been a long time staple of the Russian diet.