Polonius is portrayed as a foolish, garrulous old man.
Finally Richard Caramel arrived for a garrulous and to Gloria painfully literary week-end, during which he discussed himself with Anthony long after she lay in childlike sleep up-stairs.
终于,理查德·卡梅尔 (Richard Caramel) 来了,度过了一个不休的周末,而格洛丽亚 (Gloria) 则痛苦地度过了一个文学周末,在此期间,在安东尼躺在楼上的睡眠中很久之后,他与安东尼讨论了自己。
I have learnt that a sixth juryman, a manufacturer, who is immensely rich, and a garrulous Liberal into the bargain, has secret aspirations for a contract with the War Office, and doubtless he would not like to displease me.