5." That is not the Old Way. Have you forgotten? Ironmen fight with swords and axes, not by flinging rocks. There is no glory in starving out a foeman" .
6.The solution did not commend itself to me, because, as I pointed out to you, Hastings, an expert, such as I am, likes to meet a foeman worthy of his steel.
7.Yet, though great was the weight of his execution in determining the result of the combat, it was outweighed by the terror which he inspired in the simple, superstitious minds of his foeman.
8.Eftsoones he gan advance his haughtie crest As chauffed Bore his bristles doth upreare, And shoke his scales to battell readie drest; That made the Rederosse knight nigh quake for feare, As bidding bold defiance to his foeman neare.