1.No man loves his fetters,be they made of gold.
2.They were bound up in fetters of conventionalism.
3.They will run wild freed from the fetters of control.
4.This does not mean that we wish to fetter the trade union movement.
1.Young people weary of countless restrictions and fetters.
2.3 " Let us break their chains, " they say, " and throw off their fetters."
3 说、们要挣开他们捆绑、脱去他们绳索。
3.I have just received your fetter and must say that I was surprised at it.
刚收到你枷锁, 不得不说很惊讶。机翻
4.He then seized a stone, and broke the wooden fetters fastened to his feet.
5.Our deeds are fetters that we forge ourselves.
6.The poor man is a man labouring in fetters.
7.He stood by the window, looking on, till the sergeant threw down the fetters and approached him.
他站在窗边看着, 直到中士扔下手铐走近他。机翻
8.Man has chained and fettered the spirit, but he has been utterly helpless before love.
人锁链束缚精神, 却在爱情面束手无策。机翻
9.The chains and heavy fetters of slaves are also made of these metals.
10.The fetters of her sin are upon her, and she cannot stir to come to thee.
她罪恶束缚在她身上, 她不能动身到你这里来。机翻
11." Proceed, " said Madame; but my hand was fettered, my ear enchained, my thoughts were carried off captive.
12.A dark man with a shaven, blue neck and long mustache, tangling in his fetters, sprang toward her and embraced her.
一个皮肤黝黑、脖子剃光、留着长胡子男人, 缠在他脚上, 冲向她并拥抱她。机翻
13.Irons is here used in the sense of iron fetters, chains, or shackles, which prevent the ship from moving about freely.
Irons 在这里指是铁制脚、铁链或枷锁,它们会阻止船只自由移动。机翻
14.A late act of parliament has, in this respect, somewhat slackened their fetters, though they are still by much too strait.
在这方面,议会最近一项法案在一定程度上减轻他们束缚, 尽管他们仍然过于紧张。机翻
15.Though his love was as chaste as that of Petrarch for his Laura, it had made fetters of what previously was only a difficulty.
16.She saw clearly enough the whole situation, yet she was fettered: she could not smite the stricken soul that entreated hers.
17.The first and second were successfully darted, and we saw the whales staggeringly running off, fettered by the enormous sidelong resistance of the towing drugg.
18.And at any rate, she lost nothing by continuing the engagement, for she has proved that it fettered neither her inclination nor her actions.
无论如何, 继续订婚对她来说没有损失,因为她已经证明这既不会束缚她意愿, 也不会束缚她行为。机翻
19.She will still wear the shoddy old fetters of class on her feet.
20." Fetters" ? The very word seemed to shock poor Ser Desmond. " For the king's mother, my lord's own daughter? Impossible" .
" 铐?" 这个词让可怜戴斯蒙爵士震惊," 给国王母亲、老爷亲生女儿?不可能。"