5.The dynamic rheological behavior and non-isothermal cold crystallization of poly(ethylene terephthalate)(PET)were studied to reflect the disentanglement effect of the pulsatile extrusion flow field.
5.通过分析 PET 熔体的动态流变参数和结晶动力学过程的变化,间接证实动态挤物熔体分子的解缠结作用。
6.Unique straight or spiral grooved feed bush with force cooling system and unique screw ensure high plastification in low temperature, high speed extrusion of material.
7.Many factors affecting cell nucle ation and cell growth among the extrusion process such as preshaping pressure, melt temperature, melt viscosity, interfa cial tension,take-up speed and the te...
8.Double Rollers Crusher is used to crush clunch and partial shales for brick enterprises. It has two rollers to circumrotate in reverse. The clunch between rollers are crushed by extrusion.
9.The problems existed in extrusion process of two sorts large section hollow extrusion profilesare introduced. The concrete measure and extrusion consequence of the improved prothole die are given.
4.Kortrax is different than fluorination in that Kortrax, being a nylon, it actually part of the container itself, it's added to the plastic, and then during the extrusion process, binds with the plastic and becomes part of the container.