| 划词

1.Such externalization of costs significantly reduces the costs of raw materials to given produ cers and hence increases the margin of profit.




absenteeism, absentia, absently, absentminded, absent-minded, absentmindedly, absent-mindedly, absent-mindedness, ABSIE, absinth,


3G, 401(K), a,


犯罪心理 第3季

1.Everything in our house is an externalization of ourselves.

我们屋子里的所有东西 都体现了我们身的内在性格。

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Our Inner Conflicts(Linden West Honey, Karen)

2.2 It is probable that many more suicides would occur if it were not for externalization.

很可能如果没有机制, 会有更多的件发生。机翻

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3.Her eye's will tire, she'll make something dazzling and moving, an externalization of the best sides of her nature.

她的眼睛会疲倦, 她会做出一些令人眼花缭乱和动人的东西,将她天性中最好的一面机翻

Our Inner Conflicts(Linden West Honey, Karen)

4.It remains for us to discuss the externalization of the various features that stand in contrast to one's idealized image.

接下来我们需要讨论的是, 与个人理想形象相对的各种特征的机翻

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5.They are an externalization of inner space and inner silence, which is stillness: the infinitely creative womb of all existence.


Our Inner Conflicts(Linden West Honey, Karen)

6.Through what I call externalization, inner processes are experienced as going on outside the self.

通过我所说的, 内在过程被体验为发生在我之机翻

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Our Inner Conflicts(Linden West Honey, Karen)

7.Externalization of an unconscious self-imposed constraint is a source that is more hidden and more often neglected in analysis.


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Our Inner Conflicts(Linden West Honey, Karen)

8.If the idealized image means taking a step away from the actual self, externalization represents a still more radical divorce.


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Our Inner Conflicts(Linden West Honey, Karen)

9.Externalization of self-contempt may take the form either of despising others or of feeling that it is others who look down upon oneself.


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Our Inner Conflicts(Linden West Honey, Karen)

10.This is so in particular when a high degree of externalization is combined with a rigid self-idealization—a position that will countenance no flaws.


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Our Inner Conflicts(Linden West Honey, Karen)

11.Equally important is the externalization of this inner compulsion in the form of hypersensitivity to anything in the outside world that even faintly resembles duress.

同样重要的是, 这种内在强迫以对界任何类似强制的物产生过度敏感的形式机翻

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Our Inner Conflicts(Linden West Honey, Karen)

12.This can have the same outward effect as a neurotic craving for domination, but though both may be present they differ in that coercion which represents an externalization of inner pressure is not primarily a demand for personal obedience.

这可以产生与神经症对支配的渴望相同的在效果,但尽管两者可能存在, 它们的区别在于, 代表内心压力的强制感并非主要要求个人服从。机翻

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No stupid questions

13.So, part of it is this externalization of memory, and that allows us the quote-unquote " closure of that task, " whether it be done or not, so that we can then focus on what's right in front of us.


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