When the regional extension is disharmonic with the basement structure and movement, complicated fault assemblages can be form during progressive deformation.
A floorstand for handwheel actuated valves allows operation from above.Included is handwheel, non-rising stem, fittings, extension, and floorstand with gate position indicator.
14 cases were transglottic carcinoma showing extension of mass across ventriculus larynges, narrowing cavity anterior to throat, and damaging cricoid cartilage and spooncartilage.
The unloading cranny was distributed primarily in the east precipice and wide noumenon with large aperture and long extension as well as largest destructibility.
The process involves extension and invagination of the plasma membrane to form small vesicles in pinocytosis (pinocytotic vesicles) or vacuoles in phagocytosis (food vacuoles).
The GPC results indicated that the polymerization degree increased with the extension of reaction tine and the molecular weight distribution was tend to be monodispersity.
Chapter four is the research on diversity architectures of agriculture technique extension mode, analyzing the necessity that diversified mode constuct. several magistral modes is comparative studied.
These concepts usually only define certain aspects of the legal validity concept, with the disadvantage of limitations on the concept extension and mechanicalness of the concept connotation.