2.A surveillance audit is carried out once a year within the three-year validity period and recertification audit will be conducted at the expiry of the three-year period.
14.The expiry of a payroll-tax cut and the imposition of higher income taxes on the rich will cost taxpayers some $150 billion this year in higher taxes.
15.Investors were also worried about the expiry soon of measures brought in to try to curb the precious slump in share prices back in the middle of 2015.
16.World News from the BBC Rebels in the Central African Republic say they are considering their options following the expiry of a deadline given to the government to meet their demands.
17.In the case where no notification is served and no contract is made, the author may, upon expiry of 6 months, demand that the manuscripts be returned and economic compensation be made.
18.On the 14th of May 1948, in anticipation of the expiry of the British mandate the following day, David Ben-Gurion declared the establishment of the State of Israel in Tel Aviv.
19.But can fashion ever really come without an expiry date? On an emotional level, the change of heart is real, among both the people who buy clothes and the people who design and make them.
20.Thus if a need for liquid cash may conceivably arise before the expiry of n years, there is a risk of a loss being incurred in purchasing a long-term debt and subsequently turning it into cash, as compared with holding cash.
因此,如果可以想象在 n 年到期之前可能需要流动现金,那么与持有现金相比,购买长期债务并随后将其转化为现金会产生损失风险。机翻