1.The Latin Church had long recognized four minor orders (porter, lector, exorcist, acolyte) and four major orders (subdeacon, deacon, priest, bishop).
8.The church warns that would-be exorcists should apprentice under an experienced exorcist, and the risks of conducting an exorcism while unprepared can be dire.
9.Historians believe a travelling martial artist and exorcist name TiXi returned to his home in Fujian in 1761 he and a few others created a sworn brotherhood called the Tiandihui as a way to over through the corrupt officials who were controlling Fujian.
10.One of the ragingest bulls was William Friedkin, who died on August 7 at the age of 87. Friedkin became a superstar director thanks to two hugely influential hits - " The French Connection" and " The Exorcist, " whose 50th anniversary is this year.