1.He exhorted his elder.
1.He exhorted employees to sell better with the " ten foot rule" (greet customers if they are that close).
他以严格的10英尺规则” (向在这距离之内的顾客致意)鼓励员工提高销售业绩。
2.In an audio tape, the group's leader is exhorting Muslims regardless of their nationalities to take part.
3.We are exhorted to " Get on! " " Get ahead! " or " Make it to the top! "
4.Eugenic Parenthood for the Negro Race was what he would exhort them to.
5.On the contrary, she was snubbed, slapped, lectured and exhorted.
6.Leaders have released 31 guidelines exhorting officials to promote the private sector.
领导人发布了 31 条指导方针,劝告官员促进私营部门发展。机翻
7.Martin Luther King exhorted us to enwrap ourselves in a single garment of destiny.
8.A slide in a presentation at Coca-Cola, for example, exhorted employees to " try to be less white" .
9.They want to put their bodies on the line, as Greta Thunberg has exhorted us to do.
正如格蕾塔·图恩伯格 (Greta Thunberg) 所劝告的那样,他们冒着生命危险。机翻
10.Machiavelli didn’t try to describe an ideal government or exhort his audience to rule justly and virtuously.
11.And with many other words John exhorted the people and proclaimed the good news to them.
12.Having in vain exhorted him to confess, the Inquisitors ordered the Monk to be put to the question.
徒劳地劝他供认, 审判官下令对僧侣进行审问。机翻
13.His strong old voice exhorts them from the top of an orange tree and they cry out in answer.
他古老而有力的声音从一棵橘子树顶上告诫他们, 他们大声回答。机翻
14.Here he began preaching and baptizing people, exhorting them to prepare for the coming of the promised Deliverer.
15.Leaders have released 31 guidelines exhorting officials to promote the private sector, but no detailed fiscal stimulus plan has emerged.
领导人已发布 31 条指导方针, 劝告官员促进私营部门发展,但尚未出台详细的财政刺激计划。机翻
16.He would exhort her and he would tell her all that was in his heart and still she was gentle.
他会劝告她, 他会告诉她他心中的一切, 而她仍然很温柔。机翻
17.He called for the people of Myanmar " not to respond rashly" and exhorted them to, quote, " act according to the law" .
他呼吁缅甸人民" 不要轻率回应" ,并告诫他们" 依法办事" 。
18.But still, I'll come back to-morrow and exhort him, for I owe him, by the example of our Lord, unlimited compassion.
但是,明天我还是会回来劝告他, 因为以我们的主为榜样, 我欠他无限的同情。机翻
19.Saint Augustine teaches that when the Scriptures exhort us to resist the demons, it requires us to resist our passions and intemperate appetites.
圣奥古斯丁教导说, 当圣经告诫我们抵制恶魔时, 它要求我们抵制我们的激情和放纵的食欲。机翻
20.Freeman charged us to remember our places; exhorted us to appear smart and lively, —sometimes threatening, and again, holding out various inducements.
弗里曼嘱咐我们记住自己的位置;告诫我们要显得聪明活泼——有时是威胁, 有时又是提出各种诱因。机翻