A gas chromatogram method to detect 3- methylindole content is est ablished.
Seafood is living, let people eat the rest assured that tastes good.Le service d 'ici est soigne.
By now he already had sixty-odd rickshaws, even the old est at least seven parts new, for he did not hire out brokendown vehicles.
E. g. for exempli gritia and i. e. for id est.
E.g。“exempli gritia”的缩写,i.e。“id est”的缩写。
These two letters stand for the Latin phrase 'id est'.
两个字母代表拉丁短语" id est" 。
Superlatives often have an –est ending, as in oldest or biggest.
最高级常以 -est 结尾,如在“最老的”或“最大的”中。
So, to sum up: improper instruction; quod est necessarium est licitum; Sixth Amendment. My milk stool is complete.
所以 综上所述 错误指导 加上" 需要合法" 的原理 还有第六条修正案 我的挤奶凳辨述完毕。
The Sage realizes that pulchrum est paucorum hominum — that beauty is for the few.
I'm taking it to my pottery class tonight – we're having a competition for " est pot" .
嗯,我今晚要把它带到我的陶艺课上,我们有一场“Est pot”的比赛。
Reuters reports say U.N. Security Council is to meet publicly on Ukraine at 9 p.m. EST on Monday.
The Latin expression here is " id est" – " i.e." means " that is."
里的拉丁语表“id est” ——“” 。
I will argue that the emergency met the legal doctrine of quod est necessarium est licitum that which is necessary is legal.
And with a superlative, we add usually " est" .
Habere est Haberi, which means, " What you possess, possesses you."
Habere est Haberi,意思“你拥有什么, 就拥有你” 。
If I have " est" here, I don't need " most" .
如果我里有“est” ,我就不需要“most” 。
We can only change the " y" to " i" and add " est" .
" What is the name of this your protege? Bogodukhovskaia? Elle est jolie" ?
“你的门徒叫什么名字?Bogodukhovskaia?Elle est jolie” ?
" Il est parti--his man and his baggage have gone away too" !
“I est parti——他的人和他的行李也走了”!
Even though it's est, it sounds like a short I tallest, tallest.
使它 est, 它听起来像一个矮个子, 我最高,最高。
So if your word has one syllable, it's always going to be " est" .
The medievals had a dictum, ens est scibile, ''being is knowable.''
中世纪有句格言,ens est scibile:“存在就被感知。”
What you normally do is you add 'st' or 'est' to the end of the verb.
So, we use the root word and we just add the " er" or the " est" .