3.Methods Erythrocyte activatory T were detected with peanut agglutinin, T poly-agglutination erythrocyte were detected with many serum of homo-blood donor.
4.METHOD Sphingomyelin was prepared through the process of separating erythrocyte from blood,erythrocytolysis,dehydration,dry,et al,and then hydrolyzed to ceramide by phospholipase C.
5.Levitation, linear motion, rotation and several collection patterns of erythrocyte have been observed and suitable conditions for dielectrophoresis of erythrocyte have been found.
7.The acidophil erythroblast and erythrocyte had more hemoglobin in the euchromatin areas of nuclei, less nuclear pores, and wider perinuclear space than polychromatophil erythroblast.
8.Objective To investigate the positive rate for irregulate erythrocyte antibodies by microtubes gel test(MGT) and moditying polybrene test(MPT),explore the value of MGT in clinic.
9.A comparative study on surface structure and osmotic fragility and microviscosity of erythrocyte membrane of aged rat and blood stagnancy model rat has been made and reportcd in this paper.
10.But without gangliosides the txansparency of supernatant of injuried control erythrocytes is only 13.4% of the nounal value.The injuried erythrocytes shriek with spines on their surface.
9.It manufactures blood proteins, destroys old erythrocytes and releases bilirubin, removes poisons (detoxificatien) from the blood, stores and releases glycogen needed by the body.
11.While in the peripheral blood smear, we would expect to see erythrocytes with Basophilic Stippling and Pappenheimer bodies, which are purple staining granules of iron found inside RBCs.
12.Erythrocytes. The major functions of erythrocytes are to carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues, and to carry carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs.
13.Hemoglobin gives erythrocytes their red color. Erythrocytes are small, disk-shaped cells with no nucleus. This shape maximizes the surface area available for absorption of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
14.Down at the bottom you've got a heavy red layer of erythrocytes, or red blood cells that carry oxygen and carbon dioxide. They make up about 45 percent of your total blood volume.