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1.Triaminoguanidine is a kind of non-azide nitrogen-rich flammable compound, which has some advantages of high nitrogen, good thermal stability, and high positive formation enthalpy, etc.




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1.So, the formula for enthalpy is usually written as change in enthalpy.


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2.It's analogous to the standard enthalpy of formation that we use to calculate change in enthalpy.


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化学 Crash Course

3.The law itself says nothing about the standard enthalpy of formation.


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4.Change in enthalpy is equal to the heat gained or lost by the system.


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5.Like enthalpy and entropy, we can't directly the free energy change of the whole reaction.

像焓和熵一样, 我们能直接表示整个反应的自由能变化。机翻

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6.So I guess in the capital H for enthalpy does kinda make sense.

所以我在大写的 H 中表示焓确实有点道理。机翻

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7.Why enthalpy change is different from heat, even though they turn out to be pretty much the same anyway.

为什么焓变与热同, 尽管事实证明们几乎是一样的。机翻

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8.Like enthalpy or entropy, Gibbs free energy is a state function, so it can be calculated the same way.

与焓或熵一样, 吉布斯自由能是一个状态函数, 因此可以用相同的方式计算。机翻

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9.Well no, because you don't even know why enthalpy is so cool.


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10.And we measure enthalpy with a weird little science called calorimetry.


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11.Those bonds are nothing but energy, and using enthalpy, we can measure how much energy they have.

这些键只过是能量, 使用焓,我们可以测量们有多少能量。机翻

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12.These measurements are done at standard conditions, which we discussed in the enthalpy and entropy episodes.

这些测量是在标准条件下完成的, 我们在焓和熵情节中对此进行了讨论。机翻

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化学 Crash Course

13.So, I wonder how that compares to the amount we would predict using Hess's Law and the standard enthalpy of formation?


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14.Hess' Law is often stated in terms of standard enthalpies of formation.


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15.As long as you start with the same reactants and end with the same products, the enthalpy change is the same.

只要您从相同的反应物开始并以相同的产物结束, 焓变就相同。机翻

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16.Thanks to many hardworking chemists, the standard enthalpy of formation has been measured for hundreds of compounds.


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17.And I'm very happy the inventors knew how to calculate the enthalpy change of chemical reactions.


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18.Hopefully that sounds like fun because more about the ins and outs of this are coming in an episode on how to measure enthalpy.


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19.A large change in enthalpy can determine the direction of a free energy change, even if the entropy changes in the opposite direction, and vice versa.

焓的大变化可以决定自由能变化的方向,即使熵的变化方向相反, 反之亦然。机翻

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20.Note that the standard enthalpy is in kilojoules while the standard entropy is in joules per Kelvin.

请注意,标准焓的单位是千焦耳, 而标准熵的单位是焦耳每开尔文。机翻

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