12.Already overladen, it foundered with his additional weight, and Martin Schenk, encumbered with his heavy armor, sank at once to the bottom of the Waal.
13.You bet! No chop. Especially for Southern European countries, Greece, Spain, Portugal and Italy, high unemployment and consumer recession injured them seriously and encumbered other countries.
14.On the other hand, the countervailing pressure to have other children, by other women, may leave the man who is already encumbered by a set of offspring dissatisfied.
15.Not to encumber our story with Mr. Pyncheon's scruples, whether of conscience, pride, or fatherly affection, he at length ordered his daughter to be called.
16.In most states, an individual spouse may not convey or encumber tenancy by the entirety property. A deed or mortgage executed by only one spouse is ineffective.
17.Again, not a very difficult condition with which to encumber such a rise in fortune; but if you have any objection to it, this is the time to mention it.
19.She has only learned to please men, to depend gracefully on them; yet, encumbered with children, how is she to obtain another protector; a husband to supply the place of reason?
20.He is tied down to rigid probity; but a gentleman enjoys the honour of fighting for his king and his pleasure, and does not need to encumber himself with foolish trifles.