He had the effrontery to say I was lying.
Morison, was making his task an extremely difficult one-it was that quality of innate goodness and cleanness which is a good girl's stoutest bulwark and protection-an impregnable barrier that only degeneracy has the effrontery to assail.
莫里森正在使的任务变得极其困难——天生善良和纯洁的品质是好女孩最坚固的堡垒和保护——这是一道坚不可摧的屏障, 只有堕落的人才能厚颜无耻地攻击它。
Denis Eady was the son of Michael Eady, the ambitious Irish grocer, whose suppleness and effrontery had given Starkfield its first notion of " smart" business methods, and whose new brick store testified to the success of the attempt.
丹尼斯·伊迪 (Denis Eady) 是雄心勃勃的爱尔兰杂货商迈克尔·伊迪 (Michael Eady) 的儿子,的柔顺和厚颜无耻为斯塔克菲尔德带来了“智能”商业