14.He therefore flattered himself that however deep might be the impression made upon his Nephew's heart, Time and Virginia would be able to efface it.
15.Miles was saying; the physical relief of finding herself seated in the buggy, and securely on her road to the Mountain, effaced the impression of his words.
16.His one terror was to do anything which might efface the sound and impression of her words;his one thought, that he should never again feel quite alone.
17.We are so constituted that we believe the most incredible things; and, once they are engraved upon the memory, woe to him who would endeavour to efface them.
18.Had he not attempted to efface and atone for his conduct, he should never have felt all the infamy of it, nor she all the wrong perpetrated against her.
20.The uterus is a muscular organ wrapped by three layers of smooth muscle called the myometrium, which contracts during labor to dilate and efface the cervix and ultimately push out the fetus and placenta.