2.Objective:To evaluate the effects of the anesthesia method used during the operation of Patent ductus arteriosis(PDA)through cardic catheter without thoracotomy.
6.Within the first day the ductus arteriosus usually starts clamping shut, and within 3 weeks, it's completely closed off and turned into the ligamentum arteriosum.
7.In fetal development, the ductus arteriosus is kept open by high levels of a vasodilator prostaglandin E2 which is made by the placenta and by the ductus arteriosus itself.
8.The lungs also start to release a small peptide called bradykinin which constricts the smooth muscle wall of the ductus arteriosus and helps the process along.
9.Sometimes babies might be given prostaglandin E, which keeps the ductus arteriosus open, even though this is typically only a short-term solution and ultimately the baby's going to need surgical repair.
10.Alright, so to help visualize this, I'm going to switch to this super simplified version of the heart since it's better at showing the relationship between the aorta, branches, pulmonary artery, and ductus arteriosus.
11.Some possibilities are having the foramen ovale or ductus arteriosus stay open, or for the baby to have what's called a ventricular septal defect, where there's a shunt between the ventricles —which is actually present in about a third of cases.