1.ANTHONY : Hey, doofus, what're you looking for? Fellow pigeons?
1.In " Succession" it is Greg, doofus cousin of the plutocratic Roy family.
2.The phrase is " hipster doofus." Well, these are two very different words.
这个短语是“hipster doofus”。好吧,这是两个截然不同的词。机翻
3.A " doofus" (doofus) is a slang term for a dumb person, a foolish person.
4.No, Carol, Jeff does not think you're a doofus.
5.I was the doofus that got stuck in the men's room. - Oh, that was a hell of a night.
我是被困在厕所里的蠢货。- 那真是可怕的。
6.Like, oh, look at that doofus on the beach.
7." What a doofus! " That night, the Emperor did not sleep.
8.I mean, that doofus is going to Iose.
9.Hey, doofus, you'll never guess what happened.
嗨 笨蛋 你绝对猜不到发生了什么。
10.You didn't? - You must have looked like a real doofus!
是吗? -你真像个傻瓜!
11.Jerry's hanging out with doofus Rick.
12.Take the word doofus, for example, spelled d-o-o-f-u-s, meaning a stupid or incompetent person.
13.If you have a question or comment, even if you're a hipster doofus, you can email us.
如果您有任何问题或意见, 即使您是个时髦的傻瓜,也可以给我们发送电邮件。机翻
14.Someone asked me a stupid question at the press conference, and so I called him a doofus with a room temperature IQ.
15.It's 1972. So in the boat with us is a young married couple, George Hunt ... GEORGE HUNT: Now I'm just an old doofus.
那是 1972 年。和我们起在船上的是对年轻的夫妇,乔治·亨特… … 乔治·亨特:现在我只是个老傻瓜。机翻
16.When the smartest guy in the room does the stupidest thing, or the doofus outwits the brainiac, we tend to laugh because we didn't see that coming.
17.When I asked for advice, she generally gave me a considered reply instead of calling me a doofus, or asking if I understood what Google was for.
当我征求意见时,她通常会深思熟虑地回答我, 而不是称我为笨蛋, 或者问我是否了解谷歌的用途。机翻
18.That would be a " hipster doofus" – someone who does something so extreme in order to seem cool that it's no longer considered cool.
那将是个“潮人傻瓜” ——个为了看起来很酷而做出如此极端的情的人, 以至于它不再被认为是酷的。机翻
19.Jenna plans to match Martini with Mo, the rabbit in the cage next door, who's a few months younger than Martini and seems like a doofus.
珍娜 (Jenna) 计划将马蒂尼 (Martini) 与隔壁笼里的兔莫 (Mo) 配对,莫比马蒂尼几个月,看起来就像个笨蛋。机翻
20.Of course, now I have to walk around campus carrying a broom and wearing a cape like a doofus but it's not like the bullying can get much worse.