The function that literature could vindicate the individual life is generalized "expressing griever, expressing sorrow with disport" and "writing just for fun" by Han Yu.3.
In this little bay a single wild duck was swimming and diving and preening her feathers, disporting herself very happily in the flickering light and shade.
Above this table was an oval barometer with a black border enlivened with gilt bands, on which the flies had so licentiously disported themselves that the gilding had become problematical.
The lithe young copper-colored body still disported itself in the cool waters; superstition held that should their canoe, or even their paddle-blades, touch a human being, their marvellous power would be lost.
The company indeed was perfectly assorted, since all the members belonged to the little inner group of people who, during the long New York season, disported themselves together daily and nightly with apparently undiminished zest.
She was singing blithely; but her song came to a sudden stop when she came within sight of the tree, for there, disporting themselves with glee and pulling and hauling upon her belongings, were a number of baboons.