Disembodied voices could be heard in the darkness.
Suddenly, a disembodied voice boomed: " You too shall be a serpent to be gazed on."
If you've ever seen a scientist in a movie electrifying disembodied frog legs, well, Meyerhof did that in real life.
There were disembodied arms and foam and eyeballs.
It's a weird disembodied vision of virtual reality.
Their remains stirred feebly on the floor, and as Harry leapt over one of their disembodied heads, it moaned faintly.
She had long got over being flustered by the abrupt, disembodied command.
Larry King's disembodied wax head wants num-nums.
And his disembodied tibia in my flower bed.
Chasseurs tore through the corridors, liberated and disembodied, moving for the moment in pure space.
猎兵走廊, 解放了,脱离了体, 暂时在纯净空间中移动。
They're disembodied, you know, in a kind of literal way.
'Disembodied AI', like the algorithms running in our smartphones, is another.
In response, the disembodied voice of a grown man spoke loudly from the darkness in agreement.
The cow spooked as soon as Zetta entered, though, her being a disembodied head and all.
不,Zetta 进来, 母牛就吓坏了, 因为她是个没有体头。
If humans are truly dualistic beings, possessing both a body and soul, what becomes of our disembodied souls after death?
如果人类是真正二元生物,拥有身体和灵魂, 那么我死后脱离身体灵魂会变成什么样子呢?
His large, blond head rising out of the stripy collar of his pajamas looked oddly disembodied, his mouth gaping in astonishment and fear.
His large, blond head rising out of the stripy collar of his pajamas looked oddly disembodied, his mouth gaping in astonishment and I car.
Necessary, disembodied and, for $9.99 a month, to all intents and purposes limitless: it is the ether of the digital age.
必要,无形,每月 9.99 美元,所有意图和目都是无限:它是数字时代以太坊。
In pondering the great mystery, I thought of Helen Burns, recalled her dying words—her faith—her doctrine of the equality of disembodied souls.
New senses are developed to perceive new creations.Idea pushes itself through; nor is idea a disembodied nonentity absolute, but composed of energy to begin with.
Get in and a disembodied voice advises you that though the experience may be " futuristic" , you still have to buckle up.
走进去,个无形声音告诉你, 虽然这种体验可能是“未来主义”,但你仍然必须系好安全带。