1.With stronger local currencies the state would get fewer dirhams, dinars or riyals for every petrodollar.
1.Camels change hands in deals worth millions of dirhams, a local form of money.
2.Fast food and chain restaurants offer food from around 50 dirham.
快餐和连锁餐馆提供的食物价格在 50 拉姆左右。
3.You can rent an apartment for around 250 dirham and you could also find mid-range hotel rooms for a similar price.
你以以 250 拉姆左右的价格一套公寓,也以找到价格差不多的中档酒店房间。
4.Now, players seeking to enter the draw buy a bottle of water to be given to a charity to win a top prize of 10 million dirhams.
5.Hostel dorm beds can be found from around 94 dirham outside of the city center whilst budget hotels near the city center begin at around 170.
市中心外的宿舍床位约为 94 拉姆,而市中心附近的经济型酒店起价约为 170。
6.Round her neck she wears gold or silver rings; when a man amasses 10,000 dirhams, he makes his wife one ring; when he has 20,000 he makes two... and often a woman has many of these rings.
女人戴着金银项圈,男人一旦攒够一牧拉姆,就会给妻子打一个项圈,两牧就打两个… 一个女人通常拥有多个项圈。