2.It was proved that custom designed framework could solve the clinical dilemma of severe dentition attrition, food impaction and periodontitis, and the odontoptosis was repaired.
7.Those flat, serrated teeth that Boverisuchus and other Planocraniids had are known as ziphodont dentition, and it made a big difference in how they could take down big prey.
8.The rest of its dentition was made to shear through flesh, too, like specialized premolars that resembled bolt cutters – kinda like the extreme version of the scissor-like carnassial teeth of carnivorans.
9.Based on their dentition, we can pretty comfortably say that their diet likely consisted of smaller mammals, as well as birds and lizards, which is very similar to the menus of modern arboreal felines like margays.
10.That's where the name " Atopodentatus" comes from - it literally means " unusual teeth." Its peculiar dentition looked like some pterosaurs that are suspected to have been filter feeders and whose teeth would've been too fragile to grasp or crunch prey.