1.It is not a sign of humility to declaim against pride.
15.The boys were taught in their Petropavlovsk school to sing choral music and romances in excellent soprano and contralto, to dance traditional Russian dances, and to declaim popular fables by Russia's beloved fabulist, Ivan Krylov.
在彼得罗巴甫洛夫斯克学校,男孩们被教导用出色的女音和女低音演唱合唱音乐和浪漫故事,跳传统的俄罗斯舞蹈,并朗诵俄罗斯深受喜爱的寓言家伊万·克雷洛夫 (Ivan Krylov) 的流行寓言。机翻
17.They knew not what to make of his rhetorical recitation of his own unpublished ballads — " Faustine" ; the " Four Boards of the Coffin Lid" ; the " Ballad of Burdens" — which he declaimed as though they were books of the Iliad.
他们不知道他对自己未发表的民谣——《浮士德》的修辞朗诵有什么看法; “棺盖四板”; “Ballad of Burdens”——他朗诵起来就好像它们是《伊利亚特》的书一样。机翻