1.Correct the result to 5 decimal places.
2.1415926 gives 3.14 when rounded off to 2 decimal places.
3.Then the decimal base which is composed by74LS90 and 74LS08 and senary counting circuit.
4.He knows the decimal rules.
5.In 1971 Britain changed over from pounds, shillings, and pence to the new decimal money system.
6.After the war, the minister reformed the duodecimal system into the decimal system's which improved the currency of money.
7.You know 0.6 is a decimal because there's a decimal point between the 0 and the 6.
7.你知道0.6是一个小, 因在0和6之间有一个小点。
8.In this paper, the authors described the decimal system encryption based on AES and its implementation in detail, and discussed a kind of encryption principle suitable for trustless channel.
1.Sounds like two people are really enjoying the Dewey decimal system.
看起来这两个家伙 真的很喜欢杜威十进分类法。
2.Maintain Mach decimal 82, transition speed 310 knots.
256. 保持马赫数点82,转换速度310节。
3.While the most widely used numeral system on earth is the decimal or base 10 system.
而地球上使用最广泛的数字系统是十进制或以 10 为基数的系统。
4.In medieval Latin, algorismus simply meant the decimal number system.
在中世纪拉丁语中,agorismus 只是指十进制数字系统。
5.Finch, you sly dog. The Dewey decimal system.
芬奇 你个老滑头 杜威图书十进制分类法。
6.Reduce speed to Mach decimal 76.
7.In 1966, Australia switched from pounds to decimal currency.
1966 年,澳大利亚将英镑换成了十进制通货。
8.“After that a decimal point and two more zeros, ” he added.
9.It worked on a decimal system we still use today.
10.Descend to and maintain FL 270. Do not exceed Mach number decimal 79.
384. 下降并保持高度270。不要超出马赫数点79。
11.Much like the number pi has a decimal that isn't random, but it will go on forever without repeating.
很像 π 有个不是随机的小数一样,可以在不重复的情况下无限延续。
12.Five more decimal places of precision on what a second is. - Right.
13.So, humans have managed to memorize incredibly long sequences of pi decimals.
14.Life in Shang cities was highly regulated, with 12-month calendars, decimal measurement, conscription and centralised taxes.
在商代, 城市生活已十分规律,有将一年划分为十二个月的历法、十进制的度量衡单位、兵役制度以及中央税收制度。
15.Or in a given row, treat each number as part of a decimal expansion.
16.I invented my own Dewey Decimal System, but instead of decimals, I use fractions.
17.Climb to and maintain FL310. Maintain Mach number decimal 81 or greater until BKM VOR.
383. 上升并保持高度310。BKM VOR台前保持马赫数点81或更大。
18.Yes, I divided all those numbers by 10 by putting in a decimal point.
19.Katherine did manage to calculate a few decimal points further than that hunk of metal.
Katherine 成功算出来了比那大块头机器还多几个小数点。
20.Calculation with counting rods follows the same principles as the decimal system.