Nonetheless, many people saw the uncoupling of art and morality as dangerous, decadence shook the Victorian establishment with its sensuality, sexual, and political experimentation.
He spoke of heredity, of innate criminality, of Lombroso, of Charcot, of evolution, of the struggle for existence, of hypnotism, of hypnotic suggestion, and of decadence.
This was very ordinary in Ancient Rome, even if excessive indulgence in sexual relations with younger men was perceived to be a sign of moral decadence.
With these projects the Flavians were in effect returning land that had been used by the emperor to showcase his decadence and wealth to the Roman public to use for their own enjoyment.
Whether PARAMORE is lingering in the gray house out of politeness or curiosity, or in order at some future time to make a sociological report on the decadence of American life, is problematical.)
Nicole glanced again at the woman across the deck--she was fragile, tubercular--it was incredible that such narrow shoulders, such puny arms could bear aloft the pennon of decadence, last ensign of the fading empire.
The decadence and flamboyance that characterized the previous decade came crashing down after October 29, 1929. Now known as Black Tuesday, billions of dollars invested in the stock market were wiped out in a single day.