「Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast」评价该例句:好评差评指正
经济学人 Finance and economics
17.Even with all their problems, pensioners that depend on underfunded public DB plans are miles better off than those relying on Social Security (the American equivalent of National Insurance).
即使存在所有问题,依赖资金不足的公共 DB 计划的养老金领取者也比依赖社会保障(美国国民保险)的养老金领取者得多。机翻
18.If you go watch the all twenty two of the Jets Tennessee Snead is he's just he's one of those DB's that just he can erase a wide a really good wide receiver.
「Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast」评价该例句:好评差评指正
经济学人 Finance and economics
19.In this way the employer shouldered all the investment risk the individual would otherwise have to face; DB schemes, not their members, are the ones bearing the mighty losses in asset prices this year.
以这种方式, 雇主承担了个人将不得不面对的所有投资风险;今年资产价格遭受巨大损失的是 DB 计划, 而不是其成员。机翻
20.You know, setting aside the drama of the past few weeks with these LDI contracts, the general news is that DB pension scheme funding is much better than it has been for many, many years.
你知道,抛开过去几周与这些 LDI 合同有关的戏剧性事件,普遍的消息是 DB 养老金计划的资金比过去得多,很多年。机翻