Assembly language programming, low level data structures, introduction to operating systems, and compilers.Processor microarchitecture, microprogramming, pipelining.
In software engineering, the degree of complication of a system or system component, determined by such factors as the number and intricacy of interfaces, the number and intricacy of conditional branches, the degree of nesting, the types of data structures, and other system characteristics.
They've got a load of courses that you can take to help understand concepts like, computer science fundamentals, programming with Python, data structures, algorithms, search engines, neural networks, machine learning, so that's in the computer science segment.
他有很多课程可以帮助你理解一些概念,比如计算机科学基础,用 Python 编程,数据结构,算法,搜索引擎,神经网络,机器学习,这些属于计算机科学。