Nowadays, corporal punishment is banned in many schools.
Many often-told stories reiterate this time-honored virtue of loving and respecting the elders, such as the story of Tiying in the Western Han Dynasty who risked her life in order to save her wronged father from corporal punishment.
作为一个以很多美德闻名于世的国家,中国及中国民自古以来一直奉行孝道。许多广 为传颂的故事反复强调了这种历史悠久的爱老敬老的美德,如西汉的缇萦舍身营救蒙冤父亲 免于极刑的故事。
" I mean to say that there are only two sensible modes of punishment — those that have been used in olden times: corporal punishment and capital punishment. But with the advance of civilization they have gone out of existence" .
“我的意思是说, 只有两种合理的惩罚方式——那些在古代使用过的:体罚和死刑。但随着明的进步, 它们已经不复存在了” 。