However, this also implies that replacement parts and consumables used in a diesel engine are more expensive, and contribute to higher maintenance costs.
The taxes which it is intended should fall indifferently upon every different species of revenue, are capitation taxes, and taxes upon consumable commodities.
It's rooted in the cultural obsession with appropriating trauma and making it consumable, as well as the systemic tendency to tokenize oppressed people and their experiences.
They had everything they needed, but now they, " are using packed water for everything… We are surrounded by water, but we do not have any consumable water."
The quantity of money, therefore, which can be annually employed in any country, must be determined by the value of the consumable goods annually circulated within it.
Taxes upon such consumable goods as are articles of luxury, are all finally paid by the consumer, and generally in a manner that is very convenient for him.
Whatever portion of those consumable goods is not employed in maintaining the former, goes all to the latter, and makes a part of the neat revenue of the society.
The impossibility of taxing the people, in proportion to their revenue, by any capitation, seems to have given occasion to the invention of taxes upon consumable commodities.
The same quantity of money would, in this case, equally have remained in the country, and there would, besides, have been a reproduction of an equal value of consumable goods.
So this is where they're taking the power from the high voltage lines and we're switching it down and stepping it down to be able to be consumable energy for the miners themselves.
For most of Castro's reign, the Soviet Union supported Cuba, but when they stopped sending finances in 1991, Cuba experienced a severe economic downturn and saw shortages of food, fuel, and other consumables.
The taxes which in Holland are imposed upon men and maid servants, are taxes, not upon stock, but upon expense; and so far resemble the taxes upon consumable commodities.
In consequence of the notion, that duties upon consumable goods were taxes upon the profits of merchants, those duties have, in some countries, been repeated upon every successive sale of the goods.