Histologically, MGA consists small round glands with open lumens, distributed mostly randomly in a hypocellular dense collagenous or fatty stroma.
They evade threats and launch counter-attacks using their mutable collagenous tissue, or MCT. This gel-like tissue contains bundles of collagen, called " fibrils." Proteins can interact with these fibrils to slide them together, stiffening the tissue, or apart, softening it.
变的胶原组织 (MCT) 躲避威胁并发动反击。 这种凝胶状组织含有成束的胶原蛋白, 称为“原纤维” 。蛋白质以与这些原纤维相互作, 它滑动在一起, 组织变硬, 或分开,其软化。