| 划词

1.They must be really coining it at that cafe on the corner. You can hardly get a seat at any time of day.




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1.Aavik-like, purists fought back, coining terms like " witcraft" to replace borrowings like " reason" .


CNN 10 学生英语 2024年3月合集

2.Dartmouth Professor John McCarthy is credited with coining the term with three other researchers at a summer workshop in 1956.

达特茅斯教授约翰·麦卡锡 (John McCarthy) 因 1956 年夏季研讨会上与其他三名研究人员共同创这个术语而受到赞誉。

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3.Tommy Wellburn, in spite of his crippled back, was the busiest contractor in town and coining money, so people said.



4.Paik was famous for coining the phrase electronic super highway in the mid-seventies as an early vision of an internet

白南准因70年代中期创" 电子高速公路 " 一词而闻名,这是早期互联网的愿景。


5.Chaucer wasn't coining words from his familiarity with continental French or Italian.


TED演讲(视频版) 2023年12月合集

6.So you're credited by many as coining the term " artificial general intelligence, " AGI.


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The World From A to Z

7.Taylor Swift is boosting the US economy with some analysts coining the effect Swift Genomics.


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8.Christmas was coining, a long time ago, and the boys in a certain far-away school were talking and thinking about it.



9.The number of American coinings later exported back to the mother country should not be underestimated.


Crash Course 综合篇

10.Faraday was terrible at naming stuff, so he wrote to a guy who was known for coining terms, William Whewell.

法拉第不擅长命名东西, 所以他写信给一个以创术语而闻名的人, 威廉·惠厄尔 (William Whewell)。机翻

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11.But in coining the term " ecocide" — and classing it as a crime against humanity — Mansfield framed the debate in different terms.



12.Lang, who is most famous for coining the term food miles, has long been recognised as one of the leading experts on food policy in Britain.

兰因创 " 食物里程 " 一词而闻名,他一直被认为是英国食品政策方面的主要专家之一。

American Heritage History of the Presidents

13.Hayes minimized the law's impact by coining only $2 million, the statute's minimum requirement, and he kept silver dollars equal in value to gold dollars.

海耶斯仅铸 200 万美元(该法规的最低要求),从而将法律的影响降至最低,并且他保持银元与金元同等的价值。机翻

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American Heritage History of the Presidents

14.While not opposed to coining silver, whose production was increasing, Hayes meant to keep silver from driving gold from circulation by maintaining a ratio between gold and silver that reflected their commercial value.


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15.So in the early years of the 20th century, when Estonia was still part of the Russian empire-and then after it declared its independence in 1918-Aavik set about coining Estonian replacements for some of those borrowings.


2017 English Cafe

16.Most of us don't go around coining phrases, or inventing new sayings or new phrases that are introduced into the English language for everyone else to use, or any other language for that matter.

我们中的大多数人不会四处乱短语,或发明新的谚语或新短语, 将其引入英语或任何其他语言中供其他人使用。机翻

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经济学人 Culture

17.In pursuit of that goal he crafted not only innovative technologies but new perspectives, coining terms such as " Spaceship Earth" , which encouraged his fellow voyagers to view the planet as a fragile vessel.

实现这一目标, 他不仅创创新技术, 而且创新的视角, 创诸如“太空飞船地球”之类的术语, 鼓励他的航海者将地球视为一艘脆弱的船只。机翻

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18.When the tax upon coinage, therefore, is so moderate as not to encourage false coining, though every body advances the tax, nobody finally pays it; because every body gets it back in the advanced value of the coin.



19.Mrs. Archer, who was fond of coining her social philosophy into axioms, had once said: " We all have our pet common people—" and though the phrase was a daring one, its truth was secretly admitted in many an exclusive bosom.

阿切尔夫人喜欢把她的社会哲学变公理,她曾经说过:“我们都有我们的宠物平民——” 虽然这句话很大胆, 但它的真实性许多排外的人心中秘密承认。机翻



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