9.And there is farther, I see" —Mr. Standish was cautiously travelling over the document with his spectacles—" a codicil to this latter will, bearing date March 1, 1828." " Dear, dear!
10.The second was a codicil, of recent origin, maintaining the annuities to Mrs. Penniman and Mrs. Almond, but reducing Catherine's share to a fifth of what he had first bequeathed her.
11.The uncle had a son, and Neave had never dreamed of seeing a penny of the money; but the son died suddenly, and the father followed, leaving a codicil that gave everything to our friend.
12.It's the simplest way of drawing up a will and adding codicils without an attorney, and since I'm still of sound mind, there shouldn't be any problems. I'll ask my neighbors to be witnesses.
13." Why, he has made a codicil to his will, to say the property was all to go away from you if you married—I mean—" " That is of no consequence, " said Dorothea, breaking in impetuously.
14." I am sure Casaubon was not." " Well, it would have been worse if he had made the codicil to hinder her from marrying again at all, you know." " I don't know that, " said Sir James.
15.I say that there never was a meaner, more ungentlemanly action than this—a codicil of this sort to a will which he made at the time of his marriage with the knowledge and reliance of her family—a positive insult to Dorothea!