The houses fell into their places in the picture that filled his mind, he drew in the faces of the towns-people, grouped the servants with his aunt, the whole composition centring in Marfinka.
房子在他脑海中的画面中各就各位, 他画人的脸, 把仆人和他的姨妈放在一起, 整个构图以尔芬卡为中心。
Here and there is born a Saint Theresa, foundress of nothing, whose loving heart-beats and sobs after an unattained goodness tremble off and are dispersed among hindrances, instead of centring in some long-recognizable deed.
到处都诞生一个莎, 她一无所有, 在未获得的善良之后, 她充满爱意的心跳和哭泣颤抖着, 散布在障碍中, 而不是集中在一些早已被认可的行为。