11.Throughout the 1800s, several improvements made these newfangled wheelchairs even better, like rear wheels and casters — which are wheels that can swivel like on a shopping cart.
14.We've also given you some caster sugar and some cinnamon which you can combine, cause the moment those donuts are done you're gonna wanna toss them in the cinnamon sugar.
15.For example, the a higher level variant of the Soaring Technique is the Airwings spell, which forces the surrounding air elemental essences to form giant, invisible wings around the caster.
16.For these colossal paintings, Monet worked on up to 12 canvases at the same time, which were placed on easels fitted with caster wheels and rotated according to the light he was trying to capture.
17.The small clay figure Rodin made in 1880 for " The Gates of Hell" was enlarged by a consortium of third-party moulders and casters, for the first time in 1903 — under the artist's direction.